Animation Demo



Animation demo with various cartoon characters.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
truly exceptional. Don't you think so, Miss? Gnarly. Why were you foaming at the mouth? That's Booth Park. Evan Eser. Grinch developed. No wonder he's been buying up everybody's land. Way to climb, Alex. Okay, class, hit the showers. I want him to feel my pain. Let the spider fall into my way. Have to go, Uncle Oscar. They're depending on us to bring the marshmallows. That was a true act of courage and mercy worthy of a fairer Zambezia. Could have been your empire. Goodbye, my friend. No more talk of darkness. Forget these wide eyed fears. I'm here. Nothing can harm you. Do a place where you have after. Well, what? What? What looked like a rap to you? I guess I am. It is imperative we return him to his own mortal world now. Yeah. You come and get your medicine from your lady friend. I've got it right here.