Hey, it's Sam

Profile photo for Samantha Chilton
Not Yet Rated


A verbal introduction to myself

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, hey, is this thing on? Oh, of course it's on because it's on my phone and all I had to do is press play. What is up? Voices dot com My name is Samantha Chilton, but you can call me Sam. So today I'm going to introduce you to, well, myself. Ah, quick insight to who I am as a potential hire. I'm a 27 year old mother of one, and I have never and I mean never done this before. I've always referred to myself as crafty and quite a chatter. Kathy, I attended art school even, but I have never been voices dot com. Crafty. And while yes, I have zero experience in this field. I am very hard working and I'm a fast learner. And yes, everybody says that, don't they? And while I may also have a subpar voice, I am extremely enthusiastic about pretty much any work that I put myself into. I hope you to consider my voice in the future. Voice out who says that