Thomas Halle - Animation & Video games Demo Reel

Profile photo for Thomas Halle
Not Yet Rated


Voice over demo reel recorded in 2021. More samples of my work and voice on my website!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi my name is thomas Hall and welcome to my voice over demo enjoy. Come on you gotta loosen up, have some real fun. Some real adventure. Maybe a little party too. Yes they were going to die. Yeah. Yeah. What are you gonna do smarty pants, you're gonna play the hero. I'm the king of this school. Ever since my mom taught me how to swear. All I can do is safe and all over fear Not tom I'm a friend not a foe I bring you from Mr. Tibbles you you think you can stop the revolution? You are nothing. No please no please I didn't have a choice. He said he was gonna kill me if I didn't do it please. I'm begging you. Oh my God what have you done? He was gonna help us. What have you done now? You listen to me and just so we're clear about back there. It was either him or me. Oh that rum is to die for you never tried it. Mm. Listen you gotta try it. I'm telling you it's to die for castle. Come city passes the blue line and then turns his own. He shoots the puck in old mary hill. Billy he misses the nut. How how did he miss the net? Oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen, that goal would have changed everything. Mhm feelings are scary. So I tried to avoid them now. I know it's not healthy or smart but it's safe and protects me from sadness but I guess from happiness as well but that's not the point. Whatever