

This is my Narrative Voice Reel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
high on the North Yorkshire moors. There's a village where a remarkable project has been underway for half a century. Bottom is home to 300 people. Nearly half of them have learning difficulties, including down syndrome, autism and mental illness. Bottoms are tolerant place where people are accepted, however eccentric their behaviour. We'll be on our way to instal all your virgin media services soon. Here's what to expect when we arrive. Our friendly technician could instal your services in two hours ago. In some cases, it can take longer. Firstly, you'll need to make sure that someone over 18 there on the day I was able to talk to the technician and make decisions about your installation. When your technician arrives, you'll see their I d. Budge on to protect your carpet. They may pop on a pair of overshoes. It all started with a throw away. Comment to a family friend last year is a singer in a Tempe Sea shanty song bun called Alan Lovers who were doing very well for themselves on DH for various local charities. I'm really pleased you're doing so well, I said. I'll have to record your sometime fast forward a few months and a few text email exchanges later on a sunny afternoon in November are welcome. 10 members of the landlubbers to my home studio Well, kitchen, Dinan Conservatory Room.