Timothy Ellison - Commerical

Profile photo for Timothy Ellison
Not Yet Rated
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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the new Amazon. Go no check out store. Pick it, pack it. Leave with it. Is that actually Bazooka Joe Sugar free bubble gum? Got since I was a kid. I've always loved Bazooka Joe. Can I have one? Maybe two? Maybe three way. All dream. The real question is, what's your dream? Get started now at City University of New York. Ubi is a deep web engine that searches other search engines for you with the ability to Super sort GP who? I mean just yippee Check it out for yourself. You p dot com. Oh, yeah? Well, uh huh. Cat got your town. Take care of that cat. Get your tongue back. Only a Petco. Oh, that's my girl. I tried this discount ice cream brand. Yeah, they make it. I was so disappointed Was all artificial ingredients. What is xanthan gum Anyway? From now on, all din's ice cream, It's all organic. Totally delicious.