In-Show Narration/Documentary Narration Demo

Profile photo for Tim Paige
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
deep in a forest, a giant among Beatles emerges from underground. It's a bit of a freak. In the world of European Beatles. Stag Beetle is the largest of its kind. It's huge. Jaws resemble antlers, which accounts for its name. With festivities continuing from sunrise to sunset, the momentous leads a kickstart once in alive. That's where professional dancer Andrea Grassi comes in. Some call it wild abandon. But whatever your state of mind mega knows tops our list as the world's best party Beach. Acting quickly Love Alan, Roddy Fernandez Bring baby Laura to the hospital When they arrive. Doctors explained that their infant daughter has been having what experts call blue spouse. Her body is turning blue because she isn't receiving enough oxygen, and the clock is ticking. Batman's popularity Soon rival Super Mans and comic sales skyrocket. But despite their success, D C editors realize something is missing in 1941 Wonder Woman is born now. Three adventurers Expedition leader James Lynch, veteran navigator Renee Delmont on field scientist Marsh Mokhtari. Journey into the mountains Jungles. It's like 4000 foot sheer drop down on a quest toe. Uncover a lost empire that could rewrite history