Monsters and Aliens

Profile photo for Tim Simmons
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Some voices that are obviously not of this earth.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am the spirit of the earth. Do not be afraid. You found the first crystal With each crystal I grow stronger. Just a few more to go. The door for singing paused on the lamentation resume. They have no use for us. It is you they seek, not us. I am result on people of the questions. You will answer the questions for need Water Lord T Ah, Excellent. Please show me more riot. You'll regret it. Smooth skin. This is my land. Humans will become history. But Dragon Guard my treasure with my long tale A wagon My brushes Powerful book First fix the pedestal of light. Hurry or I will perish and you will be stranded here forever. I have a task that requires your particular skills. Body hunter, You vote of edge of Coartem nous a human Better ill it before it breeds