Movie, book and game trailers

Profile photo for Tim Simmons
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Movie Trailers


A few samples of game and book trailers I've done.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
years have passed since the great battle, the people of woodland have returned to the quiet of daily life. Wild King Edward is finally able to enjoy what is peace loving soul was drawn to in the first place. Gardening all is as it should be. The war was finally over. When I decided to become a privateer. I knew I'd have to leave everything I cared for behind. Back then I was just excited to get away from terra forming and crop cycles. The after life is an orderly place Unless you get there by mistake. Welcome to the after life. Become the conductor of your ghost train. Steer your train through the underworld, meet interesting characters, upgrade your ghost train and find the path back to the living. Dead is a state of mind available for free on Lee in the APP store. Natalie, this was the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. She felt the same way. I was sure of it. And then suddenly she ended. It married another man. She made me promise to leave her alone and move on. I kept that promise for six years. That's what I learned that everything I knew about about us, it was a lie. In Western or Atia. There's only one place so Saira can go to get away, nestled between the mountains, a place where the rivers flow and danger is around every corner.