Video Narration


Calming, relaxing guided meditation.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome. Let's begin by sitting or lying in a comfortable position, palms resting face up and eyes closed. Become aware of your breath and your body and the weight of gravity. Inhale and let the air flow easily and naturally into your belly and release and relax on every out breath. What's that one thing you're holding onto in your life? Maybe it's a conversation, an argument you had with another person. Maybe it's a sense of longing for another person or a sense of frustration with something that's happening in your life right now. Today we're going to explore letting go. Today I welcome joy into my life. I deserve happiness and success. Good things are happening to me now I am worthy. I am enough.