Audio Book - Live A Little



Selections from Live a Little - a women's guide to health & wellness.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Live A Little By Susan M. Love, M. D and Alice De Domar Ph. D. With LeAnn Hershman. Read by Tina Camera, Yanni. Chapter one. The Myth of Perfect Health What woman can rattle off a list of to do items for healthy living? Exercise for healthy heart trained with weights to build muscle and bone stretch to maintain mobility. Eat meals that are carefully designed for good artery and bowel function. Drink one glass of red wine daily to avoid heart disease. Resist the temptation to drink two glasses of said wine. To avoid breast cancer, get a full night's sleep to promote immune function. Exposed the skin to sunlight for 10 minutes to absorb vitamin D, then immediately apply sunscreen to avoid skin cancer. Relieves stress to strengthen the immune system. Build a social support network toward off Alzheimer's book appointments with our mates for healthy sexual pleasure and, of course, maintain a body mass index that falls exactly within the healthy range listed in every woman's magazine. And don't forget the kegels. This list is so impossible that it leaves most women either consumed with panic or doubled over with laughter. Yet, if you're listening to this book chances are you feel at least some obligation to follow what will call with more than a dab of irony. The health rules, the individual rules themselves, may change with unsettling frequency. By the time you listen to this book, at least one of the rules we listed will probably be out of date. But one thing remains constant. Every time you turn on the television or read a magazine, you are bombarded with a highly specific set of Do's and Dont's for staying healthy. Of course, you want to be healthy, and if you do get sick, you definitely don't want people to say in an accusing tone. She brought it on herself, you know, because she didn't eat enough broccoli. So you try. But despite earnest efforts to follow these rules, you probably find it tough going. Maybe you've experienced the what the **** effect I've been bad. What the **** I'll eat the whole bag or there's no way I can exercise for 60 minutes a day. What the ****, I won't exercise at all. Or perhaps you've done your level best to follow every piece of health advice and then been riddled with a sense of failure when you fell short. These experiences are common all too common. We believe the health rules, which are supposed to help us live longer and live better, have become a source of pressure, guilt and stress. This is not a healthy situation.