The Youth

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Intro about the youth generation.
Modern and young voice

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Eastern European (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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chemistry in action is the science of change and there is no greater catalyst for change than the people sitting in this room. The youth recently, the world has experienced rapid and unprecedented change as we've encountered these obstacles and dealt with the challenges they present. New opportunities have arisen in the gulf chemical industry. Young industry leaders play a crucial role in the transition towards a brighter, more sustainable future. As agents of change, our energy enthusiasm and ingenuity can transform the present turn problems into opportunities and become the driving force behind the chemical industry. To do this, we need to develop our skill sets, bridge the gap between young professionals and senior leaders and inspire future talent with our stories. Never before has the chemical industry been more challenging nor more exciting Today, we have the opportunity to shape a more resilient, more sustainable, more profitable future. But to succeed in this, we must remain optimistic and we must act now already. We're seeing the results of chemistry in action across the gcc region. When met with challenges, our industry has adapted and responded with solutions. The most pressing challenge facing not just our industry, but our planet is climate change. Climate change is a direct threat to our societies, our economies and our environment. The chemical industry has placed its collective efforts into decarbonization initiatives. We've witnessed the introduction of net zero ambitions and pledges to take action against climate change with waste management, waste water recycling and deployment of renewable energy projects. We've begun to lay the foundations for a truly circular economy in the gulf and beyond global hunger is another challenge. High up on our priority list. The chemical industry has boosted its focus on agri nutrients, providing essential support for agriculture and enabling more food to be produced with less land. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many were left unemployed And yet job creation is another way that the chemical industry is driving the way forward. The GCC chemical industry is an engine for job creation with the current 880,000 jobs created and those figures are looking to increase as the region drives downstream diversification and investment in technological innovation outro. Now we're looking to the youth to identify and act on key local and global trends to lead the chemical industry into a new era of possibility, the future of our industry and our planet is in the hands of our youth. Looking ahead, the success of the gcc chemical industry will rely on fostering nurturing and empowering the next generation of talent by inspiring and educating young leaders so that they can elevate the industry to new horizons. Today we take the first step of that journey together Welcome to the G. P. C. A youth forum for the youth by the youth