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Terry McGovern. Something's gotten into sun sweet prunes, something sort of lemon lemon essence from sun sweet. It's prunes with a twist. Sprint PCs. The replacement for cellular is here. Now there's a brand new strength in Colorado banking. That's because Columbia Savings, along with Mile High Federal, is now Colombia Savings Bank status. Factory dot com is the simple way to receive, manage, pay and monitor all your bills online with a name like Bank of their Record on my Visa. Doing this bathroom has just been planed and disinfected with Clorox Clorox cause you never know when the Inspector will be around. Have you given yourself a Hawaiian vacation lately? Today, there are more students in more places learning about MAWR subjects with Apple computers than with any other computers on earth. Come and see the new rap for its in Northern California. Toyota Dealer Today this is Terry McGovern with a message from California Prunes, the funny fruit that does so much for you