Commerical demo ENGLISH

Radio Ad


This is my commercial demo in English

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at a Wells Fargo. We get it. We love it when you come over, but, hey, you may not feel the same way. And it's okay. No, no, no, please. We're grown way. Get. And that's why we're crazy, happy and excited to present our new waltz, Fargo West, where you can do pretty much everything. Yep. No need to come over anymore. How does you want, Of course, will be here. After all, we are Wells Fargo. You may be smart, funny, popular, but texting while driving is no joke. By the time you reach your destination, more than 50 people will be dead or injured just because of texting while driving. Don't be one of them. Things was a message from the state of California.