Toby Ricketts - British IVR / Assistant / Phone Message demo



This is a brief demo of telephony and phone messages work in a British accent from Toby Ricketts

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Please tell me what kind of assistance do you need with your booking? I can help, For example, with boarding passes, flight details as well as updating your passport information and much more. Okay. I'll collect your booking information and then transfer you to someone who can further assist. I apologise, but I have to kindly ask you to call back. With all booking details handy. Our advisors would need them as well to be able to assist you. We need this to be ableto access your booking. I can wait. If you need time to cheque. Just tell me when you're ready. Please hold while I transfer your call. Are you calling about an existing booking? I'm sorry to see that you don't have a booking with kiwi dot com yet. Please visit our website there. You will be able to search for flights and find detailed information on all our services and our help tool. I apologise, but were unable to assist over the phone right now. Please visit kiwi dot com There, you'll be able to search flights and find detailed information on all our services.