A very powerful, English-speaking male voice

Profile photo for Todd Nixon
Not Yet Rated


This is a narration demo. I’d like to be part of audiobook reading

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Todd Allen narration. Success is a journey, not a destination hung on the shower that fronts the Golden West. The rainbow bursts like magic frail in its date eternal in its meaning global competition, shrinking budgets in a demand for faster, more flexible service have intensified business pressures in the two thousands. When a child has a life threatening illness, most people can see there's nothing that can be done but there is, each child has a dream or a need or a wish. The sole ambition of make a wish is to grant these wishes. The idea is joy. When was the last time you felt real joy that down to your toes tingle of pure delight. Social media is deeply ingrained in the day to day operations of businesses large and small. In fact, social media is to the current era, what online access was just 20 years ago.