Tom Racine Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Thomas Racine
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Nobody can control weather, but you can prepare, anticipate and optimize for it. The difference between companies who do and don't unexpected delays, missed opportunities and even needless disaster. That's where Storm pulls comes in. Think back if you dare about Tim Burton's tale of a Christmas nightmare. Ah, holiday tradition with nasty intentions has come back to life in three wicked dimensions. With 25 years of beverage management behind us, we've created a state of the art inventory monitoring system that accurately provides actionable metrics to help maximize your profits and inventory. Every aspect of L. A boxing is designed to do one thing and one thing to get you to your fitness goals as quickly as possible. Start this year outright. Try a free class in L. A boxing and find out for yourself introducing the Samsung Galaxy s 24 G. You may not have plans for global domination, but the galaxy does have everything you need to rule your world. In 30 months, we transformed a rusty, decrepit iron foundry that employed less than 15 people into a world class sustainable light rail facility that employed 310. Change is scary, but it was worth it. You made the decision to call Kaplan College and change your life training didn't take long. And now you're where you set out to be. Life is good.