Audio Skit Samples

Profile photo for Tommy Estrada
Not Yet Rated


Just a couple samples of different characters I created in audio skits I worked on.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Who is it? Hey, boss, it's me. Benny. You called for me, Benny? Of course. Come on in is Tony with you? I'm right here, boss. Soon as Benny told me about a bing bada boom, I came. As soon as I heard I got it, Tony, I got it. Just get in here and shut the door. I've done this hundreds of times. You know, me, you lost the element of surprise during the mentos a heist. If it wasn't for me hacking into their security system in time, we wouldn't be able to get the info we needed to do this mission. You better not screw this up for us. Gee spike. You're starting to sound like my mom. You need to chill out, chill out if it wasn't for me sticking my neck out for you. Every single mistake that you've made since coming in. You would have been tossed out from our agency day one. Hey, Carl, it's Terry just wanted to see how everything was going with Mittens, making sure she isn't being a bad little kitty while I'm gone. Anyways. Thank you again for house sitting and taking care of mittens for the next few days. I appreciate it. Oh, my God. Car Cancun is gorgeous. You would adore it.