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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this beer looks like just beer. But what if I told you it's recipe is over 100 years old. Created in Mexico by a german brewmaster. It's just not any beer now is it takes a most interesting beer. See what I mean? It's chicken with a kick Samuel, spicy barbecue chicken wings. Get him with a side of slaw. There's a place, a place you can be on the beach during the day or hear a live band late into the night. Everybody claims to have questions, but this guy has a radio show to prove it. Talk radio 12 30 And so the escape they never had time for became the time. They'll always remember Hawaii getaway vacations. Do something. You'll always remember your number one source for the best hard rock of the 90s and today turn up the radio and get ready to rock your face off. Hey, hey, what's up Kentwood traffic right now is flowing nicely around town, except near the Wonka's for this candy plant where an overturned truck is causing quite a pickle. Authorities are cleaning up the briny mess, but it looks like bad news for your afternoon pickle fix