Purina - sweet, kind and gentle.

Profile photo for Trace Burroughs
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Puppy love - sweet, kind and gentle.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to make friends of the puppy, you have to work on it a while. Maybe all of three seconds. Yes, when you make friends with their puppy, you've made a friend for life. Just pet a puppy. Talk with him a little and suddenly over friend that will follow you and love you as long as he lives. It's at a great deal to our lives. That's why for more than half a century, Purina has searched for ways for pets to live longer, healthier lives. And that's why Purina pet foods contain all the nutrition your pet needs. The next time you look for pet food for the checkerboard and help your pet with a stronger, longer, healthier life checkerboard, we're helping pets live longer, healthier lives.