Fantasty medieval storytelling



A fun introduction to Geralt of Rivia and the Witcher book series. A short scene between Gerald the hero and a monster he has tracked down.

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Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


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an excerpt from the book The Last Wish. Introducing the Witcher by Andre Sub Kowski, narrated by Tracy Muniz Garel to steadying the Carax pewter stopper with his thumb, poured himself some wine, took a sip and leaned back into his chair. He was watching the monster with a smile. An exceptionally ugly one. Yes, said Netherlands, slowly digging at the corner of his jaws with his claw. One has to admit you can answer questions without using many words. It'll be interesting to see how you manage the next one. Who paid you to deal with me? No. One. I'm here by accident. You're not lying by any chance. I'm not in the habit of lying. And what are you in the habit of doing? I've heard about Witters. They abduct tiny Children whom they feed with magic herbs. The ones who survived become witches themselves, sorcerers within human powers. They're taught to kill and all human feelings and reactions. Air trained out of them. They're turned into monsters in order to kill other monsters. I've heard it said. It's high time someone started hunting Witters, as there are fewer and fewer monsters and mawr and more Witter's do have some partridge before it's completely cold. Neville in took the partridge from the dish, put it between his jaws and crunched it like a piece of toast, bones cracking as they were crushed between his teeth. Why don't you say anything? He asked, indistinctly, swallowing. How much of the rumors about you, which is is true. Practically nothing. And what's a lie? That there are fewer and fewer monsters? End of excerpt.