Narrative Demo

Profile photo for Travis Provost
Not Yet Rated


This contains clips of 4 different types of narratives - educational, phone audio recording, dvd infomercial, and audiobook.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in China, they might bury the same egg and leave it there to age for years. Some people prefer hard boiled eggs like the Swiss who dip them in cheese, and the people of India who stuff them with curry spices. The Russians will bank eggs with onions to create dense flavors and textures, while the French whipped them into impossibly tall and fluffy souffles. To choose the length of time between security checks that best suits your needs, click on the security link located in the account options menu at the top of the screen, step into the cockpit of an F 18 Hornet and live the adventure of the Navy's Blue Angels. It's high flying thrills and chills as the video takes you along with the Blue Angels through their exciting aerial maneuvers. This DVD also contains the history of the Blue Angels, presented to you by the pilots and crew members past and present. No problem, Grand replied. Come down to debrief when you've changed, I'll start processing your video. Carla couldn't believe her good luck years of hard work chasing new species in today. She'd made her career. She'd taken a video of the missing link a fish with legs Her dad would crack up. He'd always teased her about wanting a pet that she couldn't even take for a walk. I'm Travis Provost. Thank you for listening.