The Rum Diary

Profile photo for Trevor Guy
Not Yet Rated


Sample of the first page of The Rum Diary by Hunter S. Thompson.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
San Juan winter of 1958. In the early fifties, when San Juan first became a tourist town, an ex jockey named Al Are Benito built a bar in the patio behind his house on Callie O. Leary. He called it Al's backyard and hung a sign above his doorway on the street with an arrow pointing between two ramshackle buildings to the patio and back. At first, he served nothing but beer at 20 cents a bottle and rum at a diamond shot or 15 cents with ice. After several months, he began serving hamburgers, which he made himself. It was a pleasant place to drink, especially in the mornings when the sun was still cool and the salt Ms came up from the ocean to give the area crisps healthy smell that for a few early hours would hold its own against the steaming, sweaty heat that clamp San Juan at noon and remains until long after sundown. It was good in the evenings to, but not so cool. Sometimes there would be a breeze, and Al's would usually catch it because of the fine location at the very top of Kallio, Larry's **** so high that If the patio had windows, you could look down on the whole city. But there is a thick wall around the patio, and all you can see is the sky and a few plantain trees.