Sample reading #3 from fantasy novel - God's Demon

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An unedited reading from God's Demon, by Wayne Barlowe.

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
great crowds were streaming in, and he found himself forced to use the bodyguards to clear away. Before in, they were efficient. Legionnaires and their mere presence and number caused enough commotion to part. The shuffling souls may go tap Hannibal's elbow and pointed up toward the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. There he saw dark forms of scattered flying demons leaning on shields and lances, their attitude attentive. A precaution. He thought nothing more to start hotness. Hannibal was still someone to be watched and measured, and he knew that his demon lord would be swift in his response. Should any move he make be interpreted ble as insurrectionist? But even the presence of heavily armed demons could not dampen Hannibal's elation. This was a watershed moment in his after life, a moment that he had to take the fullest advantage of, for there would surely never be another. He saw himself as a torch one that you would either ignite the cold furnaces of emotion and every soul around him or emulate them and himself is well at the base of the step. Pedestal may go cupped his hands, and Hannibal used them to climb up to the next level reaching down, he grassed, may goes hand and pulled him up next in in this manner, the two rows up two more levels until they were 20 feet above the mast. Murmuring souls, Hannibal had been mended somewhat by his New Lord and stood tall, a surge of emotional power coursing through his body. He had addressed host before hosts that had been disparate and doubtful, and his formula had always been the same. One part lie toe, one part hope. This is not hypocrisy, he thought. An army is no different from a sword. It first needs forging and then needs to be trained with and tested in battle. Lies hope they are the hammer and tongs one uses to forge the blade the better there used, the better the blade. He stood with his back to them, adjusting the straps on the bundle so that it could depend from his improvised belt. We need turned abruptly around to face them. Silence descended upon the plaza. It was an old trick that he had learned as a young prints on the walls of his father. City may go smiled. My name is Hannibal Barca, and I remember my life. Hannibal began his voice carrying Clarion clear against the distant sounds of ****. Yesterday I was as you are now. Tomorrow you will be as I am today. Change has been thrust upon us. **** is changing around us as we stand here that I stand here before you addressing you in this way should be proof Enough of that. I know who I was and what I did in my life and what I must do now The path to our redemption lies before us. And it is Lord Sarg Otterness who will lead us the Fallen Irlo longer of one mind the hierarchy of demons no longer united. Some have started to question things to change things. Our Lord is one such demon. The white mistresses, another. Most of us know something of her. Some of us have been touched in some way by her. She has been fighting this place in the only way she could. By reaching out to us. It was she who led me to offer myself to her ally. Our lords are gotten this and they gave me back my past. You will ask why I should allow follow a demon master who was oppressed me and I would answer by telling you what you already know. Star got Innis, Temperance and leniency or like no other lords in ****. Our torments which could have been greater by tenfold are, is nothing to that which he has endured for all these thousands of years. For a mike us who left our earthly lives behind like corrupted vessels, drained and broken, he lost a life of beatitude. Ah, life at the knee of his creator Lords are gotten. This can no longer endure the punishments and privations of ****. As you long for an end to your torment. He longs for that which he has also long ago the tranquility of heaven edible heard the word heaven uttered from ah, 100 twisted mouths and for just a instant wondered what he was offering them. He himself was not certain he had to be careful not to go too far. We're all here to be punished for our past lives, and rightly so. None of us are here unjustly, and yet which of you would not try to redeem yourselves to prove that your very core you can be more than you were in life. Your souls have been punished for what you did in your life and that is how it had to be. There are some among you who heavy sins ensure that you will never leave this place. And that too, is right. But for most of us are torments need not be eternal. Just as the transit aggressions are behind us, so should be the punishments for what is the good of the lesson. If one cannot apply what one has learned. Hannibal began to open the tide bundle at his waist. He glanced. It may go. Who was nodding Encouragingly, Hannibal looked again in the mass of humanity and saw every eye upon him. With a sudden flourish, she let the wrapping fall from his waist and grasp the hilt of a sword, pulling it free of its scabbard to hold it before him. You heard a gasp issue from 1000 roads. A soul with a weapon. It was unheard of. He felt there rising excitement. If you truly wish to make amends for your sins, then you must take up arms in his holy cause. He shouted hoarsely, Sarg, Otterness! Rebellion may fail and we all may be committed to oblivion or worse yet, punishments beyond our reckoning. But at least we will have fought against those forces whose dark influence put us here in the first place. And heaven, whose land been gates may never open to us will know that good can come from those who seem irredeemable. They will know that even from the darkest bowels of ****, souls can reach for the light. He took a deep breath and raise the sword, sir, Got nous had given him above his head. Some in the crowd were shouting with newfound fervor, giving voice to a dormant since itself they had suppressed for so long will you reach for that light and fight for my lord Zerg oddness and our white mistress? Will you fight for me? Will you fight for your eternal souls? An enormous cry of approval rang through the plaza and Hannibal heard for Hannibal even evenly mixed with force or got nous seeing that his words had had the desired effect animal signal to the guards below. In an instant, they pulled back the skins from the great Mounds and revealed a huge pile of weapons which the suddenly surging crowd began to take up, Hannibal looked up and saw that the demons atop the buildings were paying very close attention. This was a critical moment. The mob could turn either way, and even Hannibal worried that 1000 arms souls might marched through the streets to foolishly attack the palace. He stepped right to the edge of the plant and shouted Force! Our godliness! It took a moment for the soles of his feet to notice. In, so engrossed in their weapons were they. But within a minute, like a tide surging away, the chant was picked up, echoing across the plaza. Vissel fliers, which had been perched along the high ledges of the buildings in the hundreds, suddenly took wing. Startled by the noise, Hannibal watched them as they ascended, and their dwindling body lights looks like stars climbing into the heavens. Perhaps an omen again, he looked around with the encircling demons and now, with the shouts force or got nous ringing in their ears. He saw that they had relaxed, satisfied one by one day to took wing, vanishing into the dark sky, and Hannibal smiled even as he continued to pump his sword in the air. He was himself again. Almost reluctantly. He shed this sword and turned to May go, who beamed at him and walked toward him. Is they clasped hands his gaze, travelled up the crowd statue and rested upon the ash dusted, clenched fist. It's broken, sword frozen in defiance, and he wondered whether this war, already so full of hope, might not end, is that one had he looked high into the sky and saw the stars still finding upward?