The Stolen Child (Website hidden)



This a a reading of the Poem The Stolen Child by WB Yeats with music by the Waterboys. It is based on the Irish mythology of the faeries stealing children from their parents and sometimes leaving a changeling in its place. Yeats also lost a sibling at a young age and was told the faeries took him to a safe place to play forever.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the Stolen Child by W. B Eights, where it dips the rocky Highland off sleuth wood in the lake there lies a leafy island where flapping Harron's wake, the drowsy water rots there. We've had our fairy that's full of Berries and off the reddest stolen Cherries come away O human child to the waters and the wild with a fairy hand in hand for the world's more full of weeping than you can understand. Where the wave of moonlight glasses the dim grey sands with light far off by the furthest Russ's, we foot it all the night, weaving golden dances, mingling hands on, mingling glances until the moon has taken flight to and froing leap and chase the frothy bubbles. While the world is full of troubles and anxious in its sleep, Come away O human child to the waters on the while with a fairy hand in hand for the world's more full of weeping than you can understand, we're wandering, water gushes from the hills above Glenn car in pools among the rushes that scarce could bay the star we seek for slumbering trout on whispering in their ears. Give them on quiet dreams, leaning softly from ferns that dropped their tears over the young streams. Come away, O human child to the waters and the wild with a fairy hand in hand for the world's more full of weeping. Then you can understand away with us. He's going the solemn ID. He'll hear no more the lowing off the cafs on the warm hillside or the kettle on the hob sing piece into his breast. Or see the brown Miles Bob Randon round thie oatmeal chest. For he comes the human child to the waters on the wild with a fairy hand in hand for the world's more full of weeping. And he I can understand where did smooth wear flapping way? Billy's. Wait, wait, wait. Damn great scythe way. Put it all in a nice way. Even old dances. Main booth wait wondering water pushes from his booth. Poor, smooth wearing it. I need something from years wait sodomite way more with cuffs on war with scythe, see with from work, Theo