Tristian Doe - Narration Demo - 2020

Profile photo for Tristian Doe
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


My voiceover narration showreel demo for 2020.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
blending in with the crowd or peeping from a distant window. The shady character keeps appearing in his pictures, always staring intensely into camera. Rain Catcher names him The Watcher. Who is he? What does he want? From the young photographer Szoka, the biggest dragon was the key knees. One by far. He tried his hardest every day to win a gold star All the dragons in year one. We're learning how to fly. Hi, said Madam Dragon. Way up in the sky, Zoe went off the practise, flying fast and free. He soared and swooped on loop the loop, then crashed into a tree. I was angry with my friend. I told my wrath. My wrath did end. I was angry with my food, I told you. Note. My wrath did grow piping down the valleys, wild piping songs of pleasantly on a cloud. I saw a child and he laughing, said to me Piper song about a land. So I piped with merry cheer Piper, pipe that song again. So I piped. He wept To here. South Africa is in transition from apartheid to democratic rule, and amidst the turmoil and improbable alliance has been formed between white supremacists on a black tribal chief. What a campaign of violence is planned to trigger a bloody coup guitar that will put them in control of the country, establishing independent homeland states for their respective tribes.