Corporate Explainer

Profile photo for Tristan Wright
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Corporate explainer. Fully produced. Friendly, approachable, upbeat and informative.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in retail, people often turn to a mobile search for more information. As useful as it can be, the experience is often slow and not always accurate, which is a lost opportunity for a brand to connect in this micro moment. But now the physical Web gives anyone fast, accurate access to the relevant information they crave, and it makes that information available to people on demand. All they need is a physical, Web enabled mobile browser like chrome or opera. When they see this physical Web mark, which means the retailer is using Bluetooth smart beacons to share content, people will know that relevant information is just a tap away with our fi dot net platform urine. Creative control of that content If you have a native at our physical Web, STK makes it easy to add an image rich physical Web browsing experience to your APP. As shown here, a quick tap launches a physical Web scan to reveal either similar content that non app users see or premium content exclusive to your app. We offer the only platform that makes it possible for marketers to deliver different content to different audiences in the same micro moment. Maybe just your APP. Users see a special deal and maybe everyone else's incentivized to download your app