Demo -- American Southerner Documentary/Audiobook
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
North American (General) North American (US South)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the first actual cooking teacher took both my money and my grief from parting culinary secrets. To me was the inimitable, unclassifiable queen of the Southern kitchen, Natalie Dupri. Though Natalie does not know this, she's one of the few people in my life who seems more like a fictional character than a flesh and blood person. Natalie's voice is deep musical and seductive. She possesses the rare ability to be both Madden and hilarious in the course of a single sentence. Their character is a shift in ever changing thing, and she reinvents itself all over again. Every couple years when she tells you about her life, you'd swear she was speaking of 100 women, not just one. She attracts friends like a magnet. Does I? And fillings? The desire to entertain and feet people seems insatiable. To me, a mark of a character is striking is a beautiful almond shaped eyes. Natalie prides itself on being a hands on cook, and I've seen a hands dripping with Batta red with blood and crimson from Hamlin baby beets. Like most good cooks, she's absolutely feel us taken on each tasked with gusto, though Natalie Dupri did not remember much about my presence in her class. It marked me forever. I remain her enthusiast, her evangelist, her acolyte and her most grateful student. She taught me that cooking and storytelling make the most delightful co conspirators. Either was good enough alone, but in communion with each other, they could rise to the level of ecstasy.