Winter driving of a British luxury car

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Storyteller commercial for a British luxury car, and a winter driving experience

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we sometimes ask ourselves, How can we make our lives more adventurous or extreme? Where dreams glide with our passion for motion speed? There was a place, a magical place As you glide through the clouds, you cannot help but look down on the snow sculpted forests. A winter wonderland waiting to be explored, the winter light sparkles is that it's the snowflakes falling from the skies. Ice flowers form on the twisty force routes and the curved track span into the landscape like a drawing. You hear the crunching of snow beneath thick winter boots, somewhat satisfying sound this magical places for something special, an icon on the road, a record hold on the track, and it sounds synonymous with beauty and power.