Radio TV Promo Sample

Profile photo for Tyler Jensen
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Promo of new radio show. Script taken from samples.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There are two new attractions in town, and it's not the Gateway Arch in the Mississippi River. To an end to ST Louis is hottest new afternoon radio show, Coming Home with Keira and Sammy on the lose number one hit music station jumped 99.9. There are two new superstars in ST Louis, and they're not playing for the cards. Tune in to ST Louis is hottest new afternoon radio show, Coming Home with Keira and Sammy on the lose number one hit music station jumped 99.9. Something is Cooking in the loo, and it's Not sweet. Jimmy's Secret barbecue rib sauce Tune in to ST Louis is the hottest new afternoon radio show Coming home, with Keira and Sammy on the lose Number one hit music station jumped 99.9.