Part of a regional campaign played in 23 states.

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I performed all of the narrative

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You have a lot to look forward to when you've reached Medicare age, outdoor fun road trips, nights on the town and a mclaren Medicare Advantage plan that puts your needs first. Mclaren Medicare plans include access to an extensive network of doctors, hospitals and specialists and out of pocket yearly maximum that makes life more predictable call or go online today. So you can look forward to your next chapter in life with mclaren Medicare. There are mothers and fathers, granddads and moms, West Virginia seniors and 190,000 count on Medicare advantage. A vital part of Medicare. They come from every walk of life, many on fixed incomes. But now the Biden administration has said it's going to cut Medicare advantage costing West Virginia senior couples nearly $500 a year, hurting those who can least afford it. Tell your lawmakers in Washington to protect seniors and stop cuts to Medicare advantage paid for by better Medicare alliance.