A girl's lost dreams

Profile photo for Upasana Choudhury
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is a project I made for my communication and development class.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Radhika is a joyful little girl living in a small village. She loves to fly Kites. Radhika loves going to school. Her dream is to become a pilot and fly airplanes. At the age of 16, Radhika had to leave school and get married, living behind her dreams and hopes Radhika is a married woman with Children now her days are spent taking care of and serving her family, but she is not truly happy in her life. Radhika is an old woman now she is living a happy and content life with her family. She loves spending time with her husband and grandson. Thaddicus husband passes away untimely due to a heart attack, leaving her in a state of extreme grave, Radica spends the next few months in grief and mourning. She's depressed and hardly shows interest in anything Radhika as family helped her to get over her depression with their love and care, Radhika moves on from all the wrongs and miss happenings in her life. She is now living happily with her family