Adobe Campaign Video

Video Narration


This is a narration I recorded for Adobe's Experience Platform campaign.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The more your company knows about their current customers, the easier it is to find more customers like them. And when your company is trying to build loyalty, you need up to date details about how each customer has interacted with you with Adobe Experience platform, you can serve up rich customer information so it's available and current in the moment it's needed. That's what we call real time experience platform combines and connects all data sources into a single store that supports both operational and analytical use cases. This lets you quickly gain insights and activate data from one place, reducing both complexity and latency. Each data stream contains pieces of customer information by standardizing data and stitching together all the information about one person. You can build a rich profile for each customer. This information is available for real time activation at any touch point across your enterprise. To find more high value customers. You can easily run machine learning analysis on customer data directly in experience platform. This tells you the attributes of your best customers and propensity scoring can tell you the best way to reach them and when they're likely to buy it all begins once a potential customer engages with you, a customer profile is created with their information and that profile grows every time they engage with you, whether that's online or in person with Adobe's unique data governance framework experience platform gives you the power to classify, manage and enforce how your customer data can be used. For example, a call center agent can see in real time the same customer profile the market uses. Now the agent can make a next best offer such as how another product or service could benefit the caller. These customer experiences are made possible with data management, data governance and continuous customer intelligence available at the edge. It's all powered by the modern data architecture in Adobe Experience platform. Yeah.