Animation/Game demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Butcher Brothers. Here we come. Revenge is mine, Greg. Or Crash Gotta go to strike. It's you! You here at long last nice to reach the legendary hero Stop! I would ever get a chance to say hi to the little fella. I had thousands of ideas for soups, salad, soup Breathe herbal soup soup for your cat Hot gazpacho. Someday I'm going to suit the whole world. I'm going to make earth stew and I'm going to eat it all. And as faras quarterly goals go, we've seen growth in three areas. Good ideas, bad ideas. Add my toenails. Yes, Gene. You may use the bathroom, but use it wisely. So you want to know what cool did cool turned around march right back inside that grocery market and purchased that can of beans. Pretty cool story, Right, right. Small in stature but stout of heart. What did you hope to gain by coming here? If you surrender now, he might let your friends live. Wow, Gene, you're so smart and know so many things