Saying Goodbye to Mr. Moon

Profile photo for Yvette Lee
Not Yet Rated


Children Character book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mr Moon love to smile down at the people going to and from work. Each day. He smiled at the animals on the farm. He smiled at the little Children at play. He loved to smile at everyone he could see. But Mr Moon was sad. No one ever smiles back at me. No matter how friendly Mr Moon tried to be. No one smiled back, so he grew sadder and sadder until an idea hit him with a smack. I should take a vacation and tour the galaxy. I'll meet people who will return a friendly smile if I'm lucky. So the next day, Mr Moon packed his bags and jumped on the next satellite flight. If he got away for the weekend, maybe it would mean his broken heart up just right. He got a haircut on Planet Peanut. He played the drums on Planet Plum. He played at the beach on Planet Peach. He did everything he had ever dreamed of. The aliens he met on other planets were very nice. They smiled back at him without thinking twice. Mr. Moon had so much fun that he forgot about the people back on Earth, but they hadn't forgotten about him, and now they saw his worth. The world just wasn't the same without Mr Moon. Without him in the sky, there was great gloom. No lights shone through the Children's windows at night. They were afraid and couldn't sleep tight.