Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Victor Ramos
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


Recorded commercial demo via SOV productions. Varied commercial examples. Recorded in studio in Austin, Texas.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You're not just doing it for the catch. You're doing it for the quiet moments when it's just you in the water fast. Pro shops. Your adventure starts here when you've got land, you've got projects and with the john Deere one series, you've got everything you need, nothing runs like a Deere Rich, bold and endlessly smooth. This is coffee like you've never experienced before. Starbucks. Nitro cold brew. When we started working remotely, there was a lot of concern like will we be as productive? Thanks to Microsoft teams. We never missed a beat. It's been a lifesaver. If 20 soldiers died every day, we'd consider it a crisis. But that's how many veterans commit suicide each day. Support the mighty oaks foundation and help these vets when they need it most. The best part about oatmeal, you can do it at whatever you want. Just make sure you start with the basics, Quaker our oats, your creation