Younger Skin Starts in the Gut: 4-Week Program

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Younger Skin Starts in the Gut: 4-Week Program to Identify and Eliminate Your Skin-Aging Triggers - Gluten, Wine, Dairy, and Sugar
I produced and narrated this book for Ulysses Press and the world renowned Dr. Nigma Talib.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
beauty starts in the gut. It's not an exaggeration to say that I look to the gut when it comes to treating every patient, I see, it really is the control center for the entire body. Anything that goes wrong in the gut will cause symptoms all over your body and it will absolutely show his problems on your face. Sooner or later. To be premature aging. You have to take care of your gut or, as I say to my patients, a problem in your bowels will eventually create jowls. This might surprise you. After all, Most of us think that the job of the gut is merely to digest our food and illuminate waste, but it's far more complex than that. The digestive system covers a huge area within the body. In 2014, using the most sophisticated techniques so far, experts at Sweden Sahlgrenska Academy in Gothenburg measured it to be about 16.5 ft five m long, And its surface area. If you managed to separate it all out, would cover an area around 323-430 square feet Or 30 to 40 m2 the size of a small studio apartment. Yes, that is all squished up inside your body inside, predominantly in the large intestine. Live around 100 trillion bacteria. They're so plentiful. They outnumbered our body cells 10-1. Meaning if you think about it we're only 10 human and 90 bacteria. If you manage to scoop out all the bacteria and place them in a jar, it would weigh around £3.1.. These tiny bacteria are now emerging as one of the major control systems of our entire body. They may be small but they are very powerful. If they are in balance you are more likely to be in better health, you'll find it easier to control your weight and you'll have healthier, more youthful looking skin. Why? Because those bacteria have a direct role to play in the health of that skin for example they create and help you assimilate nutrients. The skin needs to protect itself and repair. They protect the integrity of the gut lining which helps fight inflammation that ages the skin and they play a role in protecting the skin against damage both from toxins created within our own body and those created by external factors such as UV light and pollution. The gut bacteria can also affect agni as the gut brain and skin produce a neuro peptide called substance P, which affects sebum production. In one Russian study looking at a group of patients with Acne 54 of them had what researchers referred to as impaired gut bacteria. So many skin conditions can be linked right back to this one source feelings so much more than feelings. There is also an important connection between the gut and the emotions. It's no coincidence that people say I have a gut feeling about this or they suffer loose bells if they are nervous about something, the brain and the gut communicate thousands of times every single day. Your gut, in fact, is your second brain. It contains an estimated 500 million neurons and releases at least 40 different neurotransmitters hormone associated with improved mood, but that also controls gut contraction is found within the gut and you have more serotonin receptors in your gut than your brain. We also know that while the brain sends signals to the gut for everyone, message, it sends down the gut sends nine messages back, covering everything from how full you feel to whether it's time to go to the bathroom. And just recently it's also been discovered the gut can affect emotions. It's now believed that certain pathogens in the gut produce substances that can trigger symptoms of anxiety and possibly even depression like symptoms in people who carry them. I always love it when the research and clinical practice show the same thing as for years now, I have seen evidence of this. I have often found that my patients who have anxiety and depression like symptoms also have digestive issues and once we get to the root cause of those, the anxiety and low mood also lift. Conversely though, favourable bacteria can help create more positive emotions. French research, published in the british Journal of nutrition, for example, found that women supplementing with a product called propio stick containing two specific strains of bacteria, lactobacillus Roselle 52 bifida, bacteria in roselle 1 75 felt less anxious during periods of stress. Why do we care about any of this? Because emotions are also strongly linked to skin health and the speed at which we age. One study on identical twins, for example, found that the twin who had experienced more stress in her life. The doctors chose twins where one was divorced and one was happy in her relationship looked, on average, two years older than her less pressured sister.