The Adventurer



All I humbly contributed was to read it aloud, hoping you will like it enough to select me for your required purpose.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
deliverance will come. A great flood once wiped clean the earth, destroying everything upon it before the deluge. In a time now forgotten, the world was a place of warriors and witches conflicts between kingdoms and until their extermination, dragons. In this world, men may live centuries. Fallen angels have begotten, terrifying spawn, and sometimes the best hope can be found in a brothel. In the land of transit, Pena, a new religion spreads An important men are dying, mysteriously slain by what can only be the fire of dragon breath summoned by the Queen Garnet, the legendary warrior, Glorious like all returns to the place where he once saved the queen's young granddaughter from treachery and enslavement. The Princess Nokia is gone, and soon others may try to claim the throne. The queen has little choice but to turn to the only man who ever told her no. With the aid of one of the queen's elite guard, the battle maiden Alina and the young palace servant Orson, the old mercenary will face pirates and traders, monsters and foul magic in the quest to find the missing air and learned the truth behind the disconcerting murders. Deliverance will come for glorious Le Gall. But for now, they are women to love, secrets, to discover and killing that needs doing.