Rolling Stone Journalist

Profile photo for Vivienne Abitia
Not Yet Rated


In WINDING ROAD, exclusively on Audible, Vivienne portrayed a number of characters, but primarily Courtney Mills, the Rolling Stone journalist.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What you've got is an artist who in the late eighties to mid nineties was releasing music that sounded distinctly different to most of the other popular music out there. Now, that's either a recipe for glory or a recipe for disaster. But people love a story and William Hamilton's was and still is a story. There's an intrigue that comes with a limited run. There's a certain curiosity that comes with a mystery curiosity or compulsion. That's a fine line, isn't it? She was crying. She was mid twenties, I guess. We were alone in this hallway and she said, I did it once. Now I have to keep going with it. I can't stop doing it. Otherwise they'll ask why they'll know something's wrong. What's wrong? I asked. She has looked at me and said everything.