English, Igbo and Nigerian pidgin English.

Profile photo for Chukwu Ngozi
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The voice required in this work was professional, lively and cheerful.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
managing field sales operations is a tough task to accomplish, especially those activities involving thousands of retail outlets nationwide. But you don't have to worry. TPM has you taken care of? Someone might want to ask what is TPM. TPM is a mobile friendly web application for creating promotion plans, managing promotions, allocating budgets, managing promotion kids and getting feedback on activities. It is a complete solution for trade emotion management designed with insiders, feedback from our dynamic sales team with TPM, you can create, manage, execute plans and get feedback on promotions with plan management. Secondly, you can create kids and inventory of promotion items, monitor material collections and returns with inventory management. You can also create a locate and monitor budgets at all levels with the budget management. The dashboard allows you access to all TPM activities with a focus on the current task. TPM always has you in mind. The sales executive and area sales manager can create promotion plans on the fly from their mobile devices, the A. S. M. Or the regional Trade marketing Manager approved the plan. Then the R. B M Z B M N T mm can deep dive into any territory or sales area to check promotion status creating promotion plans in TPM is very easy. All you have to do is just select the outlet, select the promotion type, choose the start date and end date, then TPM will figure out the rest for you. That's not all the plan management enables you to cancel plans with shuttle, a plan, collect material for promotion, written materials back to the store and provide activation feedback after executing the promotion. You can also duplicate a plan by using the copy tool. All plans go through two levels of approvals. TPM is enriched with various insightful reports, such as kit reports, promotion list, activation feedback reports and budget location reports. All reports can be filtered and exported with TPM. You can allocate budget all food hierarchical structure of the organization. The budget are located two regions is a portion to sales area and finally to Territories every promotion plan has a cost promotion plans are created based on budgets are located to the territory. The budget feature makes it possible to allocate annual budget to regions, sales areas and Territories. TPM keeps track of all allocated budgets, committed budgets and actual budgets. TPM is able to deliver insightful reports. They give you real time information on activities, seamless integration with ECM to access Master Data. The mobile first design enables you to work from anywhere at any time, online or offline with your mobile devices. How will TPM benefit us. It gives structure to promotion, promote effective planning, saves time, provides real time promotion tracking provides easy budget management and monitoring and it enables spontaneous reaction to competition. Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. Work with TPM and you will always win