Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Steven Blair
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


I worked with Melissa Moats at The Voice Actors Studio in Las Vegas to Produce my commercial demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dude bigger isn't better. Actually, it's just harder to park the redesigned Fiat 500. It's simply more now is the time pushed the boundaries of play and share? In the moments of Wonder PS five, the future of gaming has arrived. Yeah, bottomless fries all day, every day, starting at 6 99. Not to get all legal ish, but that's like from now until, like forever or until you feel disgustingly full only at Red Robin. Um, there are so many ways to see the world go big or stay home. We are Royal Caribbean, and we specialize in bold. There's only room for one love triangle in life, Doritos for the spicy. Without the drama, there are all types of manly men. This man right here is a smart man because he takes men's Vita craves gummies so he can do manly things like Russell crocodiles and take out the garbage. They say you should always listen to your heart and where better to do that than the island of Ireland? After all, your heart is the best compass there is, so get out there and fill it with the stuff that keeps it beating. Fill your heart With Ireland Halloween It's alive at Party City, and our prices and selection are so good it's scary. Party city It's on. Feel the clarity of non drowsy Claritin because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Live Claritin clear.