Radio commercials - Characters

Radio Ad


Character voices for comedic commercials. Mob guy, George Bailey, Old man, '50's documentary

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and a perfect Valentine's gift. No words. Chalk, Let what can I say? I'm good. Get the Walmart Christmas with the family coming over my old drafty house. Oh, man, Christmas, Mr Potter, go on home that will buying you living and even afford decent carpeting. Old man Potter's right. But Mary deserves nice floors, but I can't afford it right now. Is that sometimes I wish I was never even born Who mustn't say that. George Hole, you little phone, Clarence, your guardian angel was kind of walking, and a lot of you haven't gotten a carpet over the door. That's why I'm here to do. If you had all that time back that you'll spend taking care of your lawn this year, how about learning to speak friend a multi sani motif? And then there's that book you've been wanting to right? There was magic in the air as he grasped her. Honey, we got any more crayons, whatever it is you rather do, this is your body on stress. Starting in your brain. A steady flow of court is all from chronic stress can damage your short term memory and reduce spring. Oh, it's coming, and when it gets here, will you be ready? Snow. It's coming right now. It's time to prepare