
Profile photo for David Airozo
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Demonstration of recording space and technique

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I get the security of an encrypted number created for each business transaction I make because my private information is none of your business. And american Express keeps it that way. But if you do something bad, yep, you guessed it. No Haagen DAAs plus I stick something really weird and your freezer like rosen buffalo chips man. I've been playing those same sorry numbers for over two years. What do you know they did pay off? Hey the California lottery somebody's gotta win when your cable company keeps you on hold, you'll get angry when you get angry you go blow off steam when you go blow off steam accidents happen. The Volkswagen beetle trail boss ready to off road, right from the factory, Go right ahead. Find your trail with a Volkswagen beetle trail boss. Why you would ever find yourself removing puddles from a remote mountain trail? Who knows? But with a full sized cordless wet dry vac, you could