The Book of the Thousand and One Nights


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the genie opened the box, whereupon appeared a desirable young girl, bright in her beauty, shining like the sun. As the poet says, she comes a torch in the shadows, and it is day. Her light more brightly lights the dawn sons leap from out. Her beauty and moons are born in the smiling of her eyes. Ah, that the veils of her mystery might be Rent and the folk of the world lie ravished at her feet, forced by the great light of her sweet, glancing, wet tears. Smart forth from every watching I. When the genie had looked long at the beauty of the girl, he said to her, Oh, queen of every Suki thing. Oh, you home! I ravished away upon your bridal night. I would sleeve a little, and the genie, resting his head upon the knees of the young girl, went to sleep.