

Millenial comical Attenborough

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the city streets home to one of the least rare sights in the world, a millennial and like most of their kind, this one's on their phone. The concentration displayed is absolutely remarkable, constantly locked in to assure they never miss an opportunity to mate. However, the day today struggle for the millennial comes with juggling their social life with their actual life. Each uncharted step is one closer to certain doom. But moments before disaster, the millennials, impulsive nature takes over, carrying it from harm's way. Yet another close call. The city streets home to one of the least rare sights in the world, a millennial and like most of their kind, this one's on their phone. The concentration displayed is absolutely remarkable, constantly locked in to assure they never miss an opportunity to meet. However, the day today struggle of the millennial comes with juggling this social life with their actual life. Each uncharted step is one closer to certain doom. But moments before disaster, the millennials, impulsive nature takes over, carrying it from harm's way. Yet another close call