Spencer Wise Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Spencer Wise
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


One minute demo of national quality commercial spots

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our founder, Eddie Bauer, was an outdoor guide. He dedicated his life to making gear that got people outside. 96 years later, we're still sharing what Eddie taught us. Little Dakota's nose was quivering in fear because it knew an ordinary tissue was near. The fiery tissue left her no sore and red. So DATs laid the problem with pops. Plus lotion instead. Leinenkugel's Grapefruit Shandy is a perfect balance of German style vice spear and natural grapefruit flavor. Because out here, refreshment is our natural resource. Gillette Pro Shield. Chill with lubrication before and after the late shields and cools while you shave pro, she'll chill from Gillette. Healthy Choice. Think steam is magical and healthy Choice Cafe steamers uses the magic of steam to unlock the freshness you can see in taste.