Childrens' Book Narration

Profile photo for Walter Thomas
Not Yet Rated


Two beloved classics demonstrate some of the range and characterization I can bring to your kid's story.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the light of the moon. A little egg lay on a leaf. One Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and popped out of the egg came a tiny very hungry caterpillar. He started looking for some food. The little toy clown waved his flag and the big strong engine came to a stop, please. Oh, please. Big engine cried. All the dolls and toys together do pull our train over the mountain. Our engine is broken down and the good little boys and girls on the other side will have no toys to play with and no wholesome food to eat unless you help us. But the big strong engine bellowed. I'm a freight train. I've just pulled a big train loaded with costly machines over the mountain. These machines print books and newspapers for grownups to read. I'm a very important engine. Indeed. I won't carry the likes of you. And the freight engine pulled off indignantly to the roundhouse.