Archer Batchelor Character Demo Reel

Profile photo for Archer Batchelor
Not Yet Rated


This demo reel shows the range of my voice for character work, this could be something like work in animated series, anime dubbing, video games, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How many times do I have to tell you there aren't any monsters in the forest? Hey, that pointing that camera at me? We aren't gonna catch anything anyway. Disc, disc, disc adventures. I wouldn't wanna be rushing away from me now, would you? Because I'm not finished with you. Oh, why am I always the one to go into the scary caves? Whoa, Slow down, big man. You want to get the girls like me off course you dio. So listen, man, you just gotta get up right now. Walk across this bar, look her in the eyes and talk to her. Stop wasting your time. Hey, come on. Don't worry about being cool. You don't wanna be like them anyway. Plus, if you were to cool, we couldn't be friends. What, you didn't know? Members of Clinton line heart don't bleed. I think it's my turn for an offensive on guard