English Narration Podcast Interlude with Drama

Profile photo for William Taylor
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is narration for a mini episode focusing on one character in a podcast. Background sounds are provided by Zapsplat! This is a companion to episode 9 for the podcast series. I am the director for the project and the audio was edited in adobe Audition.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tuesday evening, Yumi. Yumi walks down an empty stretch of beach. She told her parents she'd be back before supper. Her parents hadn't argued much only asking her to tell them if plans changed. One year ago, Yumi would have loved the freedom. Nowadays, her parents treated her like glass. I knew he supposed they were right. Nine months ago, her life had been hell. Now, Yumi felt directionless. As Yi walked alone, she started to recount how ye had gone so far. It had started fine, believe it or not. Yumi had been pretty popular in middle school and besides one or two students, she was making friends. It almost felt normal when Thursday rolled around. Everything changed. Those one or two kids turned into hundreds and now most of the school pretended class one D didn't even exist. Now U A has got some new students for class one D four students had tried to kill a teacher and U A treats it like nothing happened. It all felt so wrong. It shouldn't even be her here. How was she supposed to live her best friend's life and be happy about it. Knew he stopped and turned towards the waves and setting sun. It had been her fault and now she needed to make sure it never happened to anyone else. Maybe then she could stop running. I am so sorry, JIA.