Audiobook sample_An Unusual Childhood



Excerpt from the audiobook An Unusual Childhood by Harlene Jessie Reeves, narrated by Wendy Kay White

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was born poor, didn't have any attendance at my birth except my mother and 13 month old sister Sylvia. Mighty cold in Montana during the winter. My dad walked out on snowshoes but didn't get back in time with the doc. Poor Daddy, Another girl. So I got my name Harley in Jesse, I was ordered from the Sears Roebuck catalog is all my brothers and Sylvia were We lived on the Homestead Buffalo Flats way out yonder. No neighbors and lots of rattlers. So we had lots of pigs. They kill snakes and Mom had typhoid fever. She hated the crowded log cabin in the loneliness. So we moved to Grandpa Davis's house on Eagle Creek. I don't know where Grandpa and Grandma went. Probably Grandpa couldn't stand the kids. No telling where poor grandma had to live. She was accustomed to moving on Anyway. We had the 160 acres and range rights and the brand Z six and cows and horses. My father worked for other people ended home, though we lived at Cedar Creek for a while. Clyde was born there. He was a great disappointment to Burleigh, and I, his mom, had promised us a surprise and we were sure would be the Easter Bunny. Sylvia accepted him as she loved babies, but it was quite some time before Burley and I forgave him. It was here that Sylvia practiced up on life saving. I fell in a big ditch. She managed to get me by the hair and kept my head from going under and screamed until Mom came to the rescue. This is sort of a mixed up story, as I can't remember some of the places we stayed. I know that when Burleigh was yet a baby, our father got the job of baby sitting a carload of cattle to the Chicago Stockyards. And since it wasn't too far from his old home at Wycliffe, Kentucky, Mom and her brood, Sylvia Burley and I traveled by train to accompany our father. It was there that we had a bag of oranges to eat on the train, and it burst open. Rolling oranges everywhere on the depo platform was Sylvia and I scrambling after them under people's feet. And it was some time before we in the oranges were rounded up. Mom and we young ones were put on the train to Kentucky, and our father parted with us to complete the task of getting the cattle delivered. And then he vanished. This was the year of the great flu epidemic that killed thousands, sometimes whole families. Our father had been feeling bad and managed to deliver the cattle and then passed out a stranger in a strange town.