Financial Advisor - Moneysmart Program - ASIC

Video Narration


This was a video narration for ASIC's Moneysmart Program, a government initiative designed to ameliorate the financial effects of COVID 19. This four part video series was distributed on their social media channels.

The voice over project required a reassuring, conversational and authoritative ton

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
keeping your mortgage on track. Lots of Australians applied for financial hardship arrangements on their mortgages because of Corona virus. If you're in that situation, it's important to make a plan for how you'll start making repayments again. Start by checking your agreement so you know how it works and how it might affect the cost of your mortgage. If you're ready to make repayments again, make sure you've checked the impact it will have on your budget. Or if you're thinking about asking your lender to extend your agreement, contact them straight away to find out your options. Making a plan now will help you keep your mortgage on track money. Smart start here.